Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tribute castles

There are many types of defense layouts you can make. Today, we are talking about one, very popular layout, Tribute layout.

  • Don't know what is Tribute layout?

Tribute layout is a layout that consists of putting your Keep outside walls. In this way, you partly sacrifice your crowns so your resources are safe:

  • How does Tribute layout work?
Simple. When you expose your keep i.e. offer it to attacker for "free", attacker will most likely destroy Keep only, along with some buildings out of defense buildings' ranges. Lower amount of crowns you have, bigger are chances that it will work.

  • How much resources I will lose with Tribute?
We've made some calculations in that view and here are some stats (stats per defensive battle, with empty Farms, Mills and Quarries):
-Average percentage of castle destroyed: 20%
-Average amount of Food lost: 26304
-Average amount of Wood lost: 27759
-Average amount of Stone lost: 10783

As you can see, these loses are pretty little, comparing to loses with non-tribute castles (stats per defensive battle, with empty Farms, Mills and Quarries):
-Average percentage of castle destroyed: 54%
-Average amount of Food lost: 64426
-Average amount of Wood lost: 71593
-Average amount of Stone lost: 31020

  • Should I change my layout to Tribute?
If you plan to protect resources, definitely. Interesting thing is that Tribute layout can also help you to lose less crowns, as big part of defense battles will be 1-star loses. You will not have any defense victory in log, but you will lose less crowns.

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