Saturday, December 12, 2015

Patch 1.15

Hello Siegers,
We have some great new features coming out in Patch 1.15 as well as some necessary bug fixes. Patch 1.15 will start rolling out on December 8th at 9AM PST (5 PM UTC). You will simply need to update your game at this time, there will be no server maintenance.
And without further ado, the patch notes!
New Features:
  • Emperors and Lords can now delete announcement messages.
  • Players can formally Request Troops from their alliance.
AoECS Patch 115_1
  • We’ve added another wave of flags:
    • Australia
    • Bulgaria
    • Chile
    • China
    • Colombia
    • Finland
    • Greece
    • Netherlands
    • New Zealand
    • Philippines
    • Portugal
    • Sweden
    • Turkey
    • Ukraine
    • United Nations
  • There are New Upgrade Levels available in Age 9 for the following structures:
    • Resource Gathering Buildings
    • Walls
    • Flame Tower
    • Archer Tower
  • Maslama has learned how to protect his fellow soldiers from flame towers.
  • We’ve rebalanced the power level calculations. As a result, lower age players now are less likely to get matched with higher age players.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where some players who achieved 50% on a battle would not earn a star.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Under Attack” message continually reset when first logging in.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the “finish now” button would occasionally cause a connection error.
  • Fixed a bug where under certain situations players would not receive their full allocation of daily gold.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would intermittently crash when collecting daily gold.
  • Fixed a bug where hero abilities would not display properly in the UI.
  • Increased size of Hero ability button hot spots making the abilities easier to tap and drag.
  • Fixed a bug where Edward’s ability could cause a crash when used in a certain way.
  • Fixed a bug where the chat tab highlight was difficult to see on winter maps.

Holiday Feature:
  • We’ll have more to announce on this in the coming weeks, but we’re brewing up something special for the holidays!
AoECS Patch 115_2

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Patch 1.14

Microsoft recently released a new patch for Age of Empires: Castle Siege Patch 1.14. Age of Empires: Castle Siege is a free-to-play medieval MMO tower defense game, designed for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone. The game features rapid development of a Castle and to improve defensive and attacking capabilities to protect your kingdom from enemy attack. It was developed by Smoking Gun Interactive and Microsoft Studios, and was formally announced on August 26, 2014.
Age of Empires Castle Siege
Age of Empires: Castle Siege Patch 1.14 updates:
  • Fixed a bug with Edward the Black Prince freezing in the game
  • Fixed a bug with hero spawning and usability
  • Fixed a bug with troops freezing during battle
  • Improved reconnect logic to reduce connection errors
  • Fixed a bug where troops would stop moving when drawing a path towards the squad army bar used for deployment on touch screens. Troops will now move smoothly
  • Fixed a bug where touch screen occasionally does not zoom
  • Fixed a bug with stylus input that could cause the game to become unresponsive
  • Fixed a an occasional crash when closing the Wonder power information
  • Fixed a crash when user cancels out of purchasing the starter pack
  • Fixed a bug where bonus offers did not appear properly under certain situations
  • Fixed UI bugs for smoother gameplay
  • Added additional notifications to game features
  • Various bug fixes to increase stability

Monday, October 12, 2015

Patch 1.13

Alliances can now construct Wonders. Our new feature, Wonders, are long term construction efforts. Alliance members will need to work together to build these. Once a Wonder is built it will give access to in-game advantages. Each alliance can only work on one Wonder at a time as decided by the alliance emperor.
In order to build a Wonder, alliance members must complete group tasks. Alliance members can contribute to these tasks in different ways. For example, if an alliance member is saving resources to fortify their own keep, they can win attacks instead of donating resources to help complete the task.
Alliance Stats
The Alliance screen will now show the following stats per alliance member:
• Time in Alliance
• Last Login
• Crowns
• Troop Donations
• Total Battles
• Win Ratio
• Total Stars
Language Select
You can now change the language in-game. To do so, go to Settings > Languages on the setting screen. Please note that selecting a new language will reload the game.
In Game Changes
The following heroes have been adjusted:
• Richard the Lionheart- increased radius and duration of effect
• Hermann von Salza- increased radius of effect
• Tariq- increased special ability damage vs. troops
• Charles Martel- initial steps to balance Martel’s power; reduced taunt radius
Fixed Bugs
• Fixed bug where game crashes when trying to view unlock info for cavalry and special troops in guard houses.
• Full screen functionality has been added for Windows 10
• Fixed Bug: Game will no longer re-launch 5 minutes after switching devices.
• Fixed the bug where the game crashes when using Conrad the Elder’s ability
• Improved screenflow animations

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Patch 1.12

Hello, Siegers!
Age of Empires: Castle Siege Patch 1.12 is coming on Monday, September 28th! Hit the jump for the full patch notes.
New Features
Alliance System
  • Added Announcement tab in the Alliance Chat. Only Lords and Emperors can create an Announcement.
Request to Join
  • Emperors and Lords can now set the Alliance type to be a “Request to Join”, and manage join requests in the Announcement tab by accepting or declining.
  • You can now customize your Replay message before sharing a Replay.
Honor Items
  • National Flags and some special flags have been added to the Honor items, which can be purchased from the Market. Check out these flags:
special flags
(From the left: Cleverly Cat Flag, Heroic Flag, Skull & Crossed Swords Flag)
  • And here are some of the National Flags:
national flags
(Note: More National Flags can be found in the Honors section.)

In-Game Changes
Crown System
We have discussed the Crown System in this post, but here’s a quick recap of what we’re doing with it.
  • Adjusted newly generated Crown amount from 5 to 2.
  • Added maximum Crown cap to prevent players from losing excessive amounts of Crowns in a single battle.
  • Changed the way we compare attacker and defender crowns to be more accurate across a greater spectrum of crown totals. Attacking opponents close to your own Crown count now awards more Crowns than before. Similarly, attacking opponents with much fewer Crowns than you will award fewer Crowns.
  • Before, gold was collected multiple times a day, depending on when the roads were completed. Daily gold can now be collected all at once each day.
  • Tutorial has been improved.
Known Bugs
  • The Daily Gold stat displays the wrong gold total. The received amount of gold has not changed, however. We will be addressing this in Patch 1.13.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed “Unable to transfer your gold. Reload your Empire” error.
  • Fixed a bug where Charles Martel’s Taunt ability sometimes did not affect cavalry-type units.
  • Archers and Longbowmen no longer attack a wall/gate when commanded to attack buildings on the other side of the wall/gate.
  • Alliance Chat no longer jumps to the top when an Alliance member donates a troop.
  • Fixed a bug where Cathedrals at level 6 would not give stone when damaged/destroyed.
  • Donated troop’s icon no longer appears in battle if you did not train them back.
  • General improvements to usability, stability, crashes and connection errors.

We hope you enjoy the new changes introduced in this patch. Happy Sieging!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Patch 1.11


Since the release of the Watch Signal and Grenadiers, AoE:CS has steadily received updates that focused more on viable options for attackers. This patch we’d like to give some love back to defense. We’re taking some modest steps in this direction to start, and will watch the impact of these changes closely. Our goal is to have a breadth of diversity in both castle layouts and offensive strategies.

  • Increased HP of Age 7 Keep by 20%
  • Increased HP of Age 8 Keep by 25%
  • Increased HP of Age 9 Keep by 30%

  • Duration of caltrops increased from 10s to 60s


Saladin & Edward
  • Saladin and Edward have had their damage increased so that they can reliably take out most towers in a single ability use (except for Crossbow Tower Lv6 and the Musket Tower)

  • Increased the range of Nikephoros ability by roughly 50%


  • Increased movement speed by 25%
  • Increased Ram’s bonus damage against Gates by 100%
  • Increased HP by 20%
  • Reduced the range that rams will seek out gates, allowing them to be more reasonable in target selection

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where John Kourkouas would occasionally crash the app if infantry budged in between him and his intended path.
  • Conrad the Elder, once exiting his Siege Tower, will now possess the light pillar that highlights his position in the battle
  • Alliance messages older than 90 days will now be discarded from chat
  • Fixed an issue where targets being burned by both Tariq’s Field of Fire and Nevsky’s Scorched Earth would only receive damage from the first ability fired. Now both will apply.
  • Fixed an issue where abilities that provided buffs would have inconsistent results when stacked on top of each other
  • General improvements to usability, stability, crashes and connection errors

What do you think of the patch notes?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Replay of the Week 17 - benjer3

Welcome to seventeenth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring benjer3!
In today's episode, benjer3 will show us some serious micro-management skills.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Replay of the Week 16 - BawlHawg99

Welcome to sixteenth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring BawlHawg99!
In today's episode, BawlHawg99 will show us how Winrich+Maslama combo powerful is.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Replay of the Week 15 - skh812

Welcome to fifteenth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring skh812!
In today's episode, skh812, an Age 8 player wins an impressive 100% victory using only 33 troops!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Replay of the Week 14 - Do6e

Welcome to fourteenth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring Do6e!
In today's episode, Do6e will show us how Henry V is effective after his remake in Patch 1.10.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Replay of the Week 13 - Androud6594

Welcome to thirteenth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring Android6594!
In today's episode, Android6594 will show us how to use Tariq.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Patch 1.10

Hello, siegers! Age of Empires: Castle Siege Patch 1.10 is live! Hit the jump for the full patch notes and video.
Watch the Patch 1.10 video for an overview of the changes:
Interested in knowing all the details? The full changelog:


Alliance Donations Tab
  • Alliance Relief Force Donations are now tracked under the new “Donations” tab of the Alliance Chat.


Henry V Revitalization
Henry’s new theme is wreaking chaos from distanceWe’re going to give him some basic stat increases so he is more of a threat on his own (i.e. harassing resources, taking out enemy troops, and staying out of the line of fire). We’re going to add more utility to his Ability by having a lasting effect on any structures that have been targeted. Lastly, he should be easier to use, as we are doubling the casting range of his ability.
  • Wreaking chaos from distance
    • Henry’s Disable casting range increased by 100%
    • After the duration of Disable expires, the targeted tower’s attack rate is reduced by half for the rest of the battle
    • Henry’s attack range increased by 12.5%
    • Increased Henry’s damage by 25%
    • Henry will prioritize wall troops over other targets that are within his attack range
‘General Frost’ Layout
  • Walls will only provide a no-spawn buffer zone if four or more walls and/or towers are simultaneously connected
‘Great Wall’ Layout
  • The only structures that will now be considered for ‘enclosing a cell’ when propagating a no-spawn zone are walls and/or towers


  • Rurik has developed Sword Mastery and is now able to dispatch any wall troop in a single blow
  • Edward is now fully responsible for the damage output of his ability. Slain squad members will no longer lower the ability’s damage output
John Kourkouas
  • The duration of John’s Terrorize ability has increased from 18 to 30 seconds
  • Winrich will deal bonus damage against Grenadiers


Defensive Grenadiers
  • Grenadiers no longer have a 4x bonus damage against Teutonic Knights
  • Defensive Grenadier’s movement speed has been slightly reduced
  • Engineers previously suffered from a small ‘hitbox’, making them difficult to target. This hitbox has been increased; they will now be easier to physically target
  • Laddermen are going to traverse walls more smoothly than they did before. They will hesitate less often and will scale at a quicker pace
  • While traversing a wall, Laddermen will take less damage
  • Laddermen have been in classes with Rurik. They have learned to dispatch ranged wall units in a single blow
  • Crossbowmen will deal bonus damage against Grenadiers.
  • Catapults will deal bonus damage against the Grenadiers.

Known Issues

  • Wall grenadiers and wall archers will appear visually grouped together, but it will not have any impact on the gameplay. We will be fixing this issue as soon as we can.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Engineers could occasionally path through a wall
  • Units Converted by Joan will now properly group with attacking units of the same type
  • Fixed an issue where Grenadiers’ projectile would occasionally appear to miss targets that were in fact being struck. The visual now matches the intended behaviour
  • Defensive units will now consider wall breaches and gates correctly when attempting to intercept invading forces
  • Players that have been muted will remain so until the app is reloaded
  • Fixed an issue where guardhouses, when adjacent to a destroyed tower, could spawn troops inside the tower’s rubble
  • Fixed an issue where locked Research found in the University and Cathedral would display incorrect costs
  • Rurik will now prioritize towers over non-threatening structures
  • Guard House troops that have been Converted by Joan will no longer delay further troop deployment while they are alive
  • John’s Terrorize ability now properly animates in replays
  • Forum links added to News scroll
  • Fixed an issue where heroes would temporarily become immobile after their ability icon had been tapped but not cast
  • Fixed an issue where progress being made on achievements would not update as frequently as intended
  • General improvements to usability, UI, stability, crashes and connection errors.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Replay of the Week 12 - HaXyranius

Welcome to twelfth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring HaXyranius!
In today's episode, HaXyranius will show us nifty  strategy using Siege Towers.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Replay of the Week 11 - Ian Addrian

Welcome to eleventh episode of our "Replay of the Week video series, featuring Ian Addrian!
In today's episode, Ian Addrian will demonstrate the power of Raiders of Muscovy, under the guidance of Martel and Winrich.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Patch 1.9

Hello Siegers! While Patch 1.10 is in development, we are ready to release Patch 1.9. This is a small patch that focused on some of the bugs that were reported by the community. We’ve also improved the installation experience on iOS to speed up the download process. In addition, we talk about the Matchmaking Redesign in this blog, which details the changes that we have made to dynamically modify player power based on crowns.
Here are the fixes we have implemented in Patch 1.9.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Belisarius would occasionally become stuck performing but never completing his Undermine ability
  • Fixed an issue where Musket Towers would occasionally become disabled after being attacked by a Trebuchet
  • Fixed an issue where engineers would occasionally freeze in instances where the trap was triggered from the opposite side of a wall
  • Fixed an issue where defensive units would occasionally appear in offensive colors
  • All error messages encountered will now provide a link to the Age of Empires: Castle Siege Support forum
  • General stability improvements and crash fixes.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Replay of the Week 10 - bestawd

Welcome to tenth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring bestawd!
In today's episode, bestawd displays great defense techniques as an Age 6 player.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Replay of the Week 9 - doubleUTT

Welcome to ninth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring doubleUTT!
In today's episode, doubleUTT will use two of unconventional heroes against an Age 9 player.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Replay of the Week 8 - wildpig333

Welcome to eighth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring wildpig333!
In today's episode, wildpig333 will show us great control over various units in different areas.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Replay of the Week 7 - CaicedoPro

Welcome to seventh episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring CaicedoPro!
In today's episode, CaicedoPro will show us how to tackle difficult castle layout.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Replay of the Week 6 - OwnNeptune1390

Welcome to sixth episode of  "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring OwnNeptune1390!
In today's episode, OwnNeptune1390 will use Winrich to achieve 100% victory!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Patch 1.8

Attention, Siegers: it’s patch time! With Patch 1.8, our goals are to resolve some of the long-standing bugs with heroes’ abilities and to improve social functionalities. We also have good news for those who’re looking to get some extra gold: the Gold Starter Pack is now available! It gives more gold for less, but you must act quickly, as the Starter Pack will only be available for three days after initial offer.
Hit the jump to see the full Patch 1.8 changelog.

Feature Improvements

  • The ability to search for players has been added. To perform the search, head to Social > Alliances > Search
  • The chat window is now larger


Hermann’s Shield Wall ability will no longer affect siege units. We’re still exploring directions of where we want to go with Hermann in the future. For now, we’re removing the abuse between Hermann and Conrad, as it was promised, and will continue working on heroes enhancements.

Bug Fixes

  • Joan’s Convert ability will now properly remove the effects of John Kourkouas’ Terrorize ability
  • Charles Martel’s Taunt ability no longer has a chance to make targets immobile
  • Richard’s Inspire will no longer affect Edward or Charles, as the ability was never intended to affect any type of Cavalry squad
  • Using Henry’s Disable ability on a building right before it is destroyed will no longer lock out the ability for the rest of battle. If the building is destroyed before the arrow hits, the ability use is refunded (Henry will have the same number of ability uses as he did before firing the arrow)
  • Cavalry who have been instructed by Charlemagne to Charge a target that exists on the other side of a wall will now continue with their instructions after the wall has been breached
  • Patrol Point infantry affected by John’s Terrorize ability will now properly seek out targets after the duration of the ability concludes
  • Spear infantry are now properly immune to being charged by cavalry
  • Fixed an issue where defending units would sometimes stutter-step when trying to select a target after a castle breach
  • Fixed an issue where audio would play out of headphones and the Surface tablet speaker simultaneously
  • Fixed an issue where numerical values would sometimes be missing in text strings when English was being used as the fallback language for unsupported languages in Windows.
  • Numerous fixes to crashes, connection errors, AI pathing, and general stability.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Replay of the Week 5 - Arifimovic

Welcome to fifth episode of "Replay of the Week" video series, featuring Arifimovic!
Today, Arifimovic will show us great micro-management in fast-paced battle scene.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Replay of the Week 4 - benjer3

Welcome to fourth episode of our "Replay of the Week" video series!
Today, we will watch benjer3's replay, where benjer3 demonstrates power of Maslama and Nevsky, and how to tackle grenadiers in a tricky castle layout.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Replay of the Week 3 - IamtheGMOE

Welcome to another episode of our  "Replay of the Week" video series!
Today, we will be watching one guy from MS staff, IamtheGMOE, who uses Composite Bowmen as tanks!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Replay of the Week 2 - recycle ar

Watch second episode of our video series "Replay of the Week" to witness how multi-tasking and effective time management empower Joan of Arc and Conrad the Elder combo.
Player: recycle ar

Friday, April 24, 2015

Patch 1.7

With Patch 1.7 we take some first steps at addressing underused heroes, make some small improvements to UI and Alliance functionality, progression, and have improved overall network stability. We thank the community for continuous support and encourage you to post your feedback on our forums. Hit the jump for the full changelog.


  • Some heroes that attempted to pursue targets at unreasonable ranges will no longer do so
  • Charles Martel’s Taunt ability will now draw fire from targets for the entire duration of the ability. As Charles moves around, any new targets that enter its range will attempt to target Charles. In addition, the damage reduction that it provides has been dramatically increased
  • Tariq ibn Ziyad and his squad have received health and damage increases. Field of Fire has also received a slight damage increase
  • Edward the Black Prince’s “Dismantle” ability now treats the Watch Signal Tower as an applicable target

Duplicate Cost and Build Time Fixes

To avoid imbalance in economy and combat systems we will be fixing unintended discounts for the below units. This decision is based on results of recent improvements to general gameplay and looting system and corresponds with future game progression vision.
  • Spearman Level 7 upgrade cost increased from 400,000 to 700,000 Food
  • Infantry Level 7 upgrade cost increased from 350,000 to 750,000 Food
  • Ram Level 6 upgrade cost increased from 350,000 to 700,000 Lumber
  • Caltrops Level 7 upgrade cost increased from 40,000 to 60,000 Food


  • Fixed the exploit where units could travel to the edge of the map where they could not be attacked while distracting defending melee troops
  • Addressed several stability and connectivity issues, including server reload connection error
  • Increased storage capacity of Farm and Mill Level 10 from 30,000 to 50,000; and Quarry Level 7 from 14,000 to 25,000
  • The difficulty of Thessalonica, Acre, Aleppo, and Constantinople historical challenges has been decreased
  • ‘Damage’ was changed to ‘Damage Per Second’ on all information cards
  • Peace Treaty times are now displayed when visiting other castles
  • Sometimes health and damage when upgrading the Keep would not increase across upgrades. These have been increased accordingly
  • Sometimes players were inaccurately notified that they were vulnerable attack while being online. This notification should now only appear when they have in fact been online too long
  • Notifications that have been disabled will now properly disable

Alliance Messaging

  • We added chat functionality that allows players to report flaming, trolling, cheating and other inappropriate behavior
  • The top navigation buttons have been condensed to not overlap the screen on its outro
  • The button for accessing chat has been moved up to not interfere with phone functionality
  • Blocking button has been added
  • Muting / Unmuting options were added to the context menu. Selecting this will hide the player’s messages in the chat
  • Alliance chat will no longer jump to the top new entry while trying to read older Alliance chat entries.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Replay of the Week 1 - el7373

Greetings, and welcome to our brand new Age of Empires: Castle Siege video series "Replay of the Week", where we will be featuring best moments from your epic Castle Siege battles!
Today, we will watch replay of el7373, where we will see well played defense maneuvers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Patch 1.6

Relief Forces
Starting with Patch 1.6, your alliance members will be able to donate troops to each other. Donated troops are deployed as defensive units from the Watch Signal, available starting in Age 4. When attacking units come into range, it will light the torches of the Watch Signal and start a timer. Relief forces will appear from the edge of the map and will continue spawning at timed intervals until the Watch Signal is destroyed or the battle ends. Units are spawned in the order in which they were donated. The number of units your alliance mates can donate to you and the number of relief troops that will spawn at once increases as you upgrade the Watch Signal. Providing Relief Forces to alliance mates can help your alliance climb the leaderboards. Higher level players can donate to lower level players to ensure fewer losses.
The Musket TowerThe Musket Tower will be a new defensive structure available in Age 9. It is unique among defensive towers in that you get to decide how it works. Put the Musket Tower in attack mode and it will do long-range, single-target damage that will smash siege weapons. Put it in defend mode and it will deal damage to all units in a short range around the building. Do you want to pick off trebuchets or counteract a rush? It’s up to you! The best part is that your enemy won’t know until they get in range of the tower which mode you selected.
Diplomacy & EngineeringPatch 1.6 will include a new economic and military tech upgrades. Diplomacy is an economic tech that increases the duration of peace treaties by a percentage. Upgrading the tech increases that percentage increase of this bonus. The first level of diplomacy is available in Age 4 and there are 4 levels of this research technology.
The new military tech is Engineering which increases the duration of any trap effects. This technology is also percentage based and increases with each level of research. Engineering is available from your military research building starting in Age 5 and has 4 levels.
Grenadiers are a new unit trained from the Siege Workshop in Age 7. This is short-ranged unit that also deal damage in a small radius. Their preferred targets are towers and siege weapons but they are also good against cavalry. Grenadiers can also be used as defensive units for patrol points, guard houses, and atop walls.
InventoryWith this patch, players will be able to put Honor items into inventory. This will give you the ability to remove Honor items you no longer want to use and hold them in storage. You can use this to clean up decorations you no longer want to display, or use it to temporarily remove clutter while rearranging castle defenses. We’re also hoping to do some more fun and exciting things with items in the future using this feature.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Patch 1.5

Age of Empires: Castle Siege is rolling out Patch 1.5 on January 27th. Get your troops ready! For those interested in everything that has change here are the patch notes.
AI Units
  • Defending units have done emergency exit drills and will now have less trouble finding and exiting through gates.
  • Range units will no longer waste time shuffling their feet when switching targets at the edge of their range.
  • Siege unit wheels will not continue to roll when they are halted while receiving orders.
    Deploying squads rapidly will no longer result in some units becoming paralyzed.
  • John Kourkouas’s Terrorize ability won’t cause crazed units to run directly through walls.
  • Fixed various issues related to the delivery of notifications.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player lost connection while visiting a castle.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when player lost connection while receiving alliance messages.
  • Fixed connection error that occurred when a road piece was dragged on top of a wall piece.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred if the player suspended the phone app.
  • Fixed an issue with scrolling the unit list on battle logs using the mouse wheel.
  • Tapping a trap under a road will select the trap, not the road.
  • Changed the way the “you are under attack” timer is calculated to be less confusing.
  • Players shouldn’t see it count down to zero and then reset as often as before.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping a text box while on the idle screen would cause the on screen keyboard to pop up repeatedly.
  • Fixed incorrect visual order of cannons on top of cannon towers.
  • Removed extra “=” being added to alliance messages when playing in Spanish.
  • Fixed an issue where the guardhouse appeared available for purchase in Age 1 even though it could not be purchased.
Work in Progress
We are in the process of large scale investigation into the various issues that manifest as the generic “Connection Error.” We realize that the phrasing of this message has caused some confusion and frustration.
Currently we’re seeing six types of issues that result in a connection error. Only one of these issues is the result of poor or lost internet connection. We’re investigating the causes of the other issues, some of which are the client and some of which are the service. We are working hard to make large strides in this area over the next few months.
Stay tuned to all the future Age of Empire: Castle Siege updates on the Age of Empires Forums.