Saturday, September 10, 2016

Alliance of the Day - Indians United

What is the Name of your Alliance?
Indians United
Emperor: Hemant4Friends

What are the requirements to join (crown count, location, age)?

Crowns Count: - Sorry to say new players, but 250 is the minimum crowns requirement to join us.

Location: - Well, don’t go by the name of our alliance, we accept global players but they should be Indian from Heart. As long as you speak and understand English or Hindi, and you feel you are a team player, you will enjoy our alliance like anything.
Age: - No age constraint.

What is the goal of your alliance (ex. Top 20, skill building, just for fun)?

The goal of our alliance is to grow like a banyan tree. A banyan tree, which lives long till eternity and which gives life to so many birds and squirrels.

What kind of commitment do you expect from alliance members (ex. log on every day, once a week)?

Below are the Expectations from alliance players:

  • They should religiously follow the rules mentioned in the Announcement Tab.
  • They should donate powerful troops on regular basis; else they will not receive quality troops.
  • They should be active in the game and on the chat window as well.
  • They should regularly donate the required resources for building wonders.

What makes your alliance different from other alliances?

As the name itself suggests, we believe in UNITY. Unity comes from respect, friendship and trust. We have that all. We play, we talk, we share, and we respect the fellow players in the alliance to make our alliance more powerful on daily basis. We give ample opportunity to every player before removing (if required) him from the alliance. To add more fun, we have more rules.

So you can say that these are the rules that make us absolutely different from other alliances. Example, the player should be in top 10 in terms of “Crowns”, “Troop Donation”, “Total Battles” & “Total Stars” in order to become lord. And if the person becomes inactive for more than 30 days and his crowns count is less than 500, he will be kicked out of the alliance.

Good luck to Indians United! 

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